Sunday, September 14, 2008

LHC Effect !!

Recently, I witnessed a strange incident in college premises.. As we were standing outside the Mandir, suddenly something as big as a football crashed on ground right in front of me, inches away from my foot. At first I couldn't make out what exactly it was, I went round it to analyze and realized it was a dead vulture. People just stared at it, and did nothing, so did I... but it set me thinking why and how a vulture would fall down and that too like this..

Now dont think I am fooling around coz as far as I know, birds dont die while flying, and vultures and eagles are creatures that fly very high in the sky. Now possibilities that I calculated are .. It might have crashed with a building ( then I realised I am nt in New York :D), then i thought about a airplane but that flies higher , than vultures I suppose...

It kept me wondering, while one of my friends, said it was an ominous sign.. A dead vulture falling in front of a Mandir at night... not good...I am not an atheist, and I do believe in Omens.. but this didnt appear to me as an omen, i dunno why...

Then the most intriguing part, I was still wondering and my friend was sad coz of the Omen, when one of my other friends suggested me something that he had seen in the movie "The Core".... birds dyeing due to magnetic field disruptions...and the link was quite clear... if seen from the Science Fiction's point of view... There is a huge experiment going on in Geneva... The LHC experiment... now that set me thinking !!

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